About NCM
These words express the Spirit behind the team NCM that is reflected in the Design, Manufacturing, Technology and Quality of our products. It is this Spirit that has placed NCM-SHOAVA Engineers Pvt. Ltd. on the forefront of India’s Manufacturing scenario. You now have the advantage to choose locally made, globally successful range of breakers, quick couplers and attachments.
We are the only Indian company manufacturing and exporting these products since over a decade. Out of over seventy products we make, we are the patent holder for Vertical Shaft Impactor, a tertiary stage crusher for aggregate manufacturing plants (Patent No. 194111). Patent is in process for Quick Coupler. While meeting the most stringent international standards of our customers, we take every innovation as an opportunity to scale new technical frontiers.
Sales & Service Channel Partner "FINE"

30 Years of Commitment - Celebrating Milestones

NCM starts with Fabrication Site Jobs

NCM launches its Patented VSI, Inaugurated by Smt. Sumitra Tai Mahajan

NCM begins its global Yatra by exporting excavator attachments to the UK and USA and Canada.

NCM manufactures 1st Indigenous Rock Breaker.

NCM set’s up 100 % EOU for Rock Breakers

NCM expanded its exports and rock breaker offerings.

NCM launches globally successful Excavator Attachments in India at EXCON 2011.

NCM made a significant impact in states like MP, inundating them with VSI products.

NCM ventured into a full-scale VSI plant unit featuring conveyors and washers.

NCM achieved a milestone by forming a partnership with Ore Sizer UK.


Late Mr. N.C.Mujumdar

Mrs. P N Mujumdar
Director of Finance and Administration

Mr. Neeraj Mujumdar